The landlord, the Marquess of Salisbury, wants to redevelop the site of Gaby’s Deli as a chain restaurant. Gaby's would like to stay. Westminster Council gave planning permission for four properties to be converted into a restaurant (although this would reduce retail space, in contradiction to their own planning strategy and officers’ advice). If that's what the Marquess wants to do, he therefore can. But we want the Marquess to heed the wishes of Gaby's MP, customers and neighbours and let him stay.
Gascoyne Holdings, the Marquess’s company, have now offered Gaby a "Tenant at Will" contract which will not be enforced against him until August 31st 2012 at the earliest. After that he can be evicted with just FOUR WEEKS' NOTICE - with no redress. You can't run a business or retain staff on that basis.
The Marquess has written to campaigners to say that he believes Gaby has signed an agreement and is content with this. The Marquess considers the matter closed.
But although Gaby has signed - he felt he had no other option - he is far from content and has stated that “I still hope that there will be a reversal of the decision and I will be granted a new long-term lease would allow my establishment to continue serving our loyal customers.”
Those of us who value London's variety and a unique place to eat in the West End will continue the campaign!