Eyelash Extensions One by One or Eyelash Perm or Eleyash Tint , Eyebrow Extensions @Helens
$25 - Helens Beauty Salon
End of the Year Special October , November, December
*Eyelash Perm last 3 months
*Eyelash Extensions One by One any length small,medium,large,xlarge they last 2-3 weeks
*Eyelash Tint any color last 8weeks
*Eyebrow Extension any color last 2/3weeks
*Eyebrow Tint any Color last 2/3
@Helens Beauty Salon
7807 pacific blvd Huntington park ca 90255 txt for more inf.
appt is needed for any one service.
* eyelash extensions last 2/3 weeks
* eyelashes perm last 3 months
* it take from30min to an 1hr
Any service $25 or services provided in Packets.