Anonymous asks: After having 4 pregnancies, ALL of which came with severe hyperemesis throughout the entirety, the vomiting has been terrible on my teeth. I have lost a number of teeth and am in need of more dental work. In an attempt cut through the misperception that I am lazy with dental care, I feel the need to preface each visit with the "I had severe hyperemesis through the entire 4 pregnancies" just to "validate" why my teeth are in such poor condition. I never go back to the same dentist twice because each time I am met with disdain and am too embarrassed to return. I would sincerely appreciate suggestions for a dentist who will take the time to listen and help me on a road to repair the damage my teeth have sustained. Affordability is always helpful. Has anyone else experienced such severe hyperemesis that their teeth were ruined?-and if so, what did you do to repair them?