Welcome! I focus on family portraits and community involvement through photography classes and activities. We are in the middle of a transition to Ohio so unfortunately, I am not accepting any new clients. Stay tuned for online classes and new information for the Dayton, Ohio area!
Pricing, availability, images and all our information can be found on our website: www.theovalstudios.com.
And don't forget, if you like our work then like our page!! :D
https://m.facebook.com/OvalStudios Oval Studios Welcome to our page. We are focused on families and community involvement throug...h classes. For E-5 and below, make sure to enter our monthly give away for a free shoot under the 'Airmen's Giveaway' tab. Pricing and all our information can be found on our website: www.theovalstudios.com And don'...See more Page: 1,121 like this.