Looking for info on fort Lewis. What are the schools like? The community? Is off post or on better? thanks :)
JBLM H. replied:
This web page below is a source of information and assistance to home buyers and home sellers who are serving in our military at JBLM. This page will be posting new available homes in the JBLM area, VA loan information, as well as tips for selling and buying your home! As a former member of the military and a life long citizen of this area and community, I am happy to specialize in assisting our men and women in uniform to invest in real estate, whether it is long term or short term. Please "like" the page to follow! Thank you! John Hanson https://www.facebook.com/pages/JBLM-Fort-Lewis-Mcchord-AFB-Real-Estate-by-John-Hanson/551027561597719