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ShatataEvents - Ostrich Feather Rentals


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About us

Hello, our names are Agatha and Anotnio and we run ShatataEvents together. Our goal is to make your events as remarkable as possible!

Why did we start ShatataEvents? We were looking for ostrich feather centerpieces for a wedding several years ago, but we could not find the ones that we liked and pricing was ridiculous!

In addition to ostrich feather centerpieces, LED lightning has become a new trend today because it offers the most modern effect for your event. Are you ready to have impressive centerpieces at your event?

Both of us have common interests in event planning. Agatha graduated from the College of William and Mary and Antonio graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University (go rams!). We like to meet new people and want to have an opportunity to be a part of your big day. We make dreams = reality in the Virginia, DC, and MD area.

We are looking forward to seeing you IN person and AT your event.

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  • Event centerpieces rentalx
  • Ostrich feathersx
  • Party & Event Plannerx

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