611 Obispo Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814, USA Long Beach, CA90814(map)
About us
Offering Quality Care to children 2 months to 12 years old. Open 7 days a week. Offers pick up and drop off to local public and private schools including Freemont Elementary;Mann Elementary;Burbank Elementary;Rogers Middle School;Lowell Elementary Homemade healthy food provided Field trips Arts and Crafts Safe and Loving Environment Licensed and works with Children's Home Society of California.
Hi everyone, I am going back to work in mid-January and we are looking for daycare for our 15-month old twins for about 25-30hours a week. I would prefer for them to be around other children to play...
Lana, Jacqueline Asbury in this group has started a daycare. She will probably pipe in with more info. She's in North Long Beach, I believe. Not sure what location would be best for you, based on home/ work commute. We sent Makena to Doris Ruiz on 6 th and Obispo. (562) 434-5117 She has 3 daughters of her own. Very loving. I'm sure others will post their suggestions as well. Happy holidays to you all