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怡碩視光眼科診所 (Taipei Eye Clinic)

Recommendations & Reviews

  • No. 28, Lane 313, Fuxing North Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 105
    Taipei City, NY 105 (map)

About us

Our Mission (我們的宗旨)

Upon returning from the United States, it has been our goal to run a high-quality, privacy-ensured eye clinic. By combining refraction, spectacle, visual function and medicine, we offer an integrated preventive eye care solution aim to increase the quality of life with early detection and management of ocular diseases and visual dysfunctions.


Our Services (我們的服務項目)

In addition to general eye care services, we offer specialized examinations with standards set forth by the international committees, catering to patients of all ages. These services include:

1. 0-3歲嬰幼兒斜弱視評估 (Infant lazy eye and eye turn evaluation)
2. 3-6歲幼童入學前視覺功能評估 (Pre-school visual function check up)
3. 6-18歲學童近視預防與控制 (School age nearsightedness control and prevention)
4. 18-40歲預防眼睛老化及視覺疲勞 (Premature aging and visual fatigue prevention)
5. 40-60歲預防與管理老花眼急速變化 (Management of near vision dysfunction)
6. 60歲以上退化性眼疾的預防與控制 (Management of degenerative eye diseases)
包含以下各類隱形眼鏡的驗配評估: (Contact lens evaluations)
1. 硬式透氣(Rigid gas permeable)
2.軟式遠近雙用 (Progressive soft)
3. 角膜雷射術後 (Post LASIK specialty)
4. 近視控制 (Nearsightedness control)
5. 嬰兒專用 (Pediatric specialty)

眼睛健診服務:(Preventative eye care services)
With detailed physical checkup of the eye, we also perform refraction, visual function and... show more
eye-hand coordination examinations. We integrate the professional opinions of the eye physicians, pharmacists and opticians to assist patients to better understand their eyes and vision. Furthermore, understand the use of different types of glasses in order to protect and prevent eye fatigue. Lastly, we assess whether there is a need for diet modifications and/or medication to keep the eyes at an optimal condition.

1.眼睛理 學檢查,驗光,視知覺功能檢查,眼手協調能力測量等

國際眼科醫療服務: (International eye care services for ex-patriots)

Contracted by the SOS International medical services for more than 10 years, we provide eye care to foreigners living in Taiwan and China. Our clinic is directed by 2 American eye care physicians, and other foreign trained optometrists, thus providing a friendly English-speaking environment.

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Hours of operation

Monday11:00 - 20:00
Tuesday11:00 - 20:00
Wednesday11:00 - 20:00
Thursday11:00 - 20:00
Friday11:00 - 20:00
Saturday11:00 - 20:00


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from December 9, 2013
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  • Ophthalmologistx

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