Hey everyone.. Here's something neat we are doing...
We are working with Bridge City Realty and Marlene Hunt to hopefully help raise money some serious money for a charity of Main Street's choosing.
Here is how it works.
a) Marlene is a realtor for Bridge City Realty.
b) Marlene can help you find a house to buy, sell your house, help your have a house built and more
c) Anytime a Main Street member mentions Main Street when they contact Marlene, she will donate $150 or more to the charity Main St. members care about after the HOUSE SELLS.
d) IF a Main St. member BUYS the house and mentions Main St. she will donate an ADDITIONAL $150 or more to the same charity.
e) IF a Main St. member BUYS a house Marlene has listed, she will donate $150 also.
WIN - Buyer or Seller Gets a Great Realtor
WIN - Charity of Main St's choosing gets $$$ they never would had.
WIN - Realty Companies makes $$
WIN - Realtor make $$