ISO someone who can dye my hair back to it's original color or help me get it to the color I want. It's naturally dark blone or light brown, whatever you want to call it. My husband thought I should go back to blonde, and he attempted to box-color my hair (I told him No, but he insisted so I agreed and proved him wrong). My hair turned orange, so I had to get Ash dye of some sort from the same people (Revlon or someone) and neutralize it. I am left with this hideous yellow hair. I have about 5-6" of brown roots and just need a solid color. Normally when I get my hair professionally dyed blonde I don't do highlights or lowlights because my hair takes well to salon color and isn't a solid color itself. I don't want to spend an arm and a leg though - $75 is my MAX that I can spend right now. I need to get my Florida license and I don't want to have 6" roots in my picture for the next 10 years (or however long a FL license lasts). I will be back to whomever dyes it for touchups. My hair usually needs extra dye because it is so thick. But usually it has been abotu 12" longer when I've dyed it. Anyhow, please text me at 314-276-2883 and I can text back pics of my current hair (lol) or message me on here. I'm signing off the computer so preferably texts. TIA. Don't need a cut, just color. :)