I'm looking to collaborate! I'm a Hair, Henna and Makeup artist.
I would like to shoot on Thursday 17th,
I'm wanting to update my portfolio and upcoming website. I want to get some proffesional images together so would be tf basis. It would be at My home in north sheilds but if any clothing botiques or bridal attire would like to get involved to publicise their dresses or clothes then we could arrange a studio.
I'm looking for-
An amazing photographer to capture the detail!
An Asian model (needs to bring wedding attire and head dressings please) or I have simple ones (bridal hair makeup and henna look)
A blonde model ( elegant precise updo with bridal makeup)
A Brunette model (creative hair and makeup) (strong bone structure)
And a model to shoot halloween style hair and makeup. Bring accessories too...
No time waisters please!