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SoFlo Wildlife Trapping & Removal, LLC

  • Graham Reinecke

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 7525 Colony Palm Dr.
    Boynton Beach, FL 33436 (map)

About us

SoFlo Wildlife humanely and professionally removes all nuisance wildlife from residential and commercial properties. Nuisance wildlife like raccoons, possums armadillos and many more are common animal removal problems we deal with in South Florida. These clever animals have learned to adapt very well to the suburban environment of South Florida. They can dig in the trash, dig up yards and destroy everything just to obtain food and shelter. Removal of nuisance animals in South Florida is critical, as they can cause structural damage as well as get into the attic of your home and do a large amount of damage in a short period of time. Common nuisance wildlife around your property can be foxes, bobcats, feral cats, skunks, ducks, coyotes, iguanas, and squirrels. Raccoon’s and Possums can be one of the most destructive animals in South Florida. Raccoons and Possums are responsible for an estimated $2 billion annually of the insurance claims throughout the United States. The destruction that raccoons and possums do to your South Florida area home can be astronomical. The damage that raccoon’s and possums do in S. Florida area homes can be tearing up your duct work, contaminating insulation and damaging your attic vents. Raccoons and possums also pose a threat to your family’s health by possibly bringing in diseases that are easily spread to humans. South Florida nuisance animal removal is needed as they should not be allowed to spend another night in your Florida area attic or home.

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