Hi folks... We are in need of some plumbing help. We had a leak in a pipe and we ripped out the drywall/plaster to get to it and we made a temporary fix... but, since we would like to change out our upstairs vanity, we would like to repair/replace? the pipe and need to move it a tad (or ad flexible piping) to make it all better. We have the new vanity, we are not bad a tearing things out, but not confident with the plumbing part.... and even though we can drywall, we know that others are much better and faster than we. Is there anyone in the hood who does this sort of work, or is there someone you'd recommend? We've been living with it for awhile, so it isn't a great rush, but we'd like it done before the end of June. And we don't know what it might cost us - so that could be an issue. Advice? Suggestions?