Looking for a graphic designer who can help me overhaul my business website/business cards/letterheads etc. It's gotten stale! Paid job of course. Please inbox me if interested.
Courtney M. replied:
I can do all of the print design, but not so website savvy. My website is courtneymason.allyou.net if you want to have a look. If the first page is blank, just click and it will go to the home page
Does anyone know of anyone who make business cards? or does this for a living?
I need new ones! Would like something different, & something that represents me/my work well!
Please link me in the comments below & will check them out!
Many thanks in advance :)
Courtney M. replied:
Meeee https://www.facebook.com/design.courtneymason And my website is courtneymason.allyou.net
Hi everyone, looking at creating a logo for my business, recommendations on where to go?! Or if you can hep please leave your details/fb page/web page bellow so i can check out your work. Purely for a hair extension business. Thank you :):)