Looking for a great preschool. My son is 2.5 not yet potty trained (sigh)!
Just looking for part time like 2-3 times a week for couple hours. Even a moms day out type of group could work. Suggestions please?
Lisa M. replied:
St. Pat's Preschool offers a 2 day a week T/Th or M/W from 9-11. There is 1 teacher and 1 assistant, and they will potty train. It is an amazing preschool, and the teachers are awesome!! Call 630-338-8200 to schedule a tour or to ask questions. Ask for Veronica. She is the director, and you will love her!!
Looking for a preschool type program 1-2 days a week for a few hours for my almost 2 yr old. Something that has circle time, art, etc. not just free play. Suggestions?
Holly S. replied:
Try calling our office and talking to Veronica Day. She can help you with the age requirements. 630-338-8200