KDS One Studios, 3601 Vineland Rd, Suite 10 Orlando, FL32811(map)
About us
A List Wardrobe Seamstress, Costume Fabrication Specialist for Universal, Wardrobe Designer for Film and Designer, Pattern Maker & Garment Fabrication for Fashion, Couture, Costumes, Stagewear and More Consultant, Teacher, Speaker, Stylist and More.
Fan Halen is looking for professional seamstress who can put together "exact" replica's of Van Halen's early wardrobe. If you're someone who can help or if you know of someone, please private message us with your contact information. Thank you!
Gina E. replied:
I do replica and A list stagewear. www.facebook.com/psychoseamstress
Okay, so I need to find a seamstress so I can start getting custom stage outfits made. Any help would be greatly appreciated I've got a lot of cool ideas and ill give you full credit!
Robb S. replied:
Gina Van Epische , not sure what local would be for you but she is awesome . https://www.facebook.com/psychoseamstress