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Emorie's Diaper Doodie Daycare

  • Loghan Thomas
    • Day Care

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About us

Hey Everyone!
My name is Loghan Thomas. If you're needing full-time care, I am opening up my own home daycare. I will be a licensed daycare through the state, so you can be sure that my home meets all safety standards. Also, I will only be accepting 4-5 children, so that will allow for a small and safe learning environment.
A little about myself: I am a new mommy to a baby girl, and I graduated from Texas Tech this past May with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies.
I charge $125/week for Infants and $115/week for Toddlers and Preeschoolers!
If you are interested you can reach me by email at loghan.m.thomas@gmail.com or by cell at 915-525-5792!
Thank You(:

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