Hi ladies. Are there any dentists or dental hygienists in the group? I went for 1 wisdom tooth extraction on Thursday night, it is now 4 days later and the swelling is still the size of a baseball on my face. I did return back to my dentist on Saturday and he said this is apparently normal. I'm not convinced. Having already had a wisdom tooth extracted and within 48 hours I was fine. I've tried ice, I've taken Aleve hoping the anti-inflammatory would take some swelling away, I'm taking the antibiotics as instructed and rising my mouth regularly. Is there anything else I can do?
My job is speaking face to face with potential clients. I can't speak nor do I want to be seen. I'm very frustrated and discouraged as I have two big meetings scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday and the swelling doesn't appear to be going anywhere. Suggestions, please, if there are any.