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About us

The leading expert and founder of our plastic surgery clinic is one of the best plastic surgeons of the Persian Gulf countries, but also Europe Dr. Mohamed Khalil in his professional work, Dr. Mohamed successfully uses the advanced modern technology, so the author's techniques. For more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Mohamed performed over 5000 transactions from each patient can only hear rave reviews.

Aesthetic surgery clinic "Aesthetic" is the full range of services in such areas as: aesthetic plastic surgery;
Laparoscopic Gastric Band& Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity
Liposuction for local Obesity
Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck);
Breast Reduction & Breast Augmentation
Fillers, Botox, lipolifilling (FAT injections).
• Eye Lid Lift & Facelift Surgery

Lose those extra pounds, find the perfect face and body is to return confidence and open up new prospects in life. The experience and professionalism of Dr. Mohamed-in plastic surgery clinic "Aesthetic", will help in this by offering the best value for money services. And after aesthetic surgery our doctor will give you valuable tips to help speed up the recovery and get the real pleasure from your new look.

We offer an appointment to see Dr. Mohamed by phone . +201141599333

عيادة جراحات التجميل و السمنة بالغردقة و القاهرة لكل من تبحث عن الرشاقة والجمال يحي لامراض السمنة والجراحات التجميلية
شفط دهون - شد ترهلات البطن - تكبير و تصغير حجم الصدر ..
للحجز و الاستعلام : 01141599333
الصفحة الرسمية للدكتور على الفيس بوك

Эстетическая пластическая хирургия
Лапароскопические операции
ЛИПОСАКЦИЯ проблемных зон
Абдоминопластика (пластика живота)
Маммонопластика (пластика груди)
Филлеры, ботокс
Прием... show more
ведет доктор высшей категории пластический хирург
доктор Мохамед Халиль show more

Hours of operation

Wednesday7:00PM - 11:00PM
Thursday7:00PM - 11:00PM
Friday7:00PM - 11:00PM


Recommendations and reviews from 1 person

  • Referral from August 10, 2015
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