ISO: someone who is artistic and can paint. My 8 month old son has been diagnosed with several serious health issues, one that requires him to wear a helmet 23 hours a day. So with this being said I am trying to get his helmet designed for him. I have the designs and what I want it to look like, please tag, comment or message me if you can or know someone who can do it. TIA !!!
PLEASE READ!!! This is for those who MUST know whats wrong, so there is no ill judgement!
My son has a ton of health issues and it's very unfortunate that plagiocephaly with brachiocephaly is another yes these 2 issues are very common amd not life threatening at al.. However, this is the only reason my baby boy has to wear the helmet. He has a genetic deformity that doctors are hoping the helmet can "Help" fix. When I stated he has serious health issues I wasn't necessarily referring to him wearing a helmet. He has a congenital heart defect, with a heart murmur, he has pulmonary hypertention, reactive airway disease, seizures, central and obstructive apnea, failure to thrive, has a g-tube placed because he can't eat by mouth at all, deformity of the skull.. Not to mention he has coded on us twice while in the hospital.. So here's a little bit of what my son's short lil life has been full of