Anyone know of a local eye doctor/optician who knows how to work with people to prescribe corrective lenses and do exercises to eventually improve one's vision? Thanks.
Hi Anet, I highly recommend Dr. Summy To, the owner of MyOptic. MyOptic's two locations are: WILLIAMS 3978 N Williams Avenue, Portland, OR 97227, 503.493.7070 HOURS: Mon,Wed,Thur,Fri 9-7, Tuesday 9-8, Saturday 9-5, Sunday 11-4 LAURELHURST 12 SE 28 th Avenue, Portland, OR 97214, 503.282.2020 HOURS
Hi! My optometrist retired a couple years ago, so I am looking for a new one. Who do you like? (If he/she earns you a referral bonus and I choose him/her, I'll be sure to give your name.) - Eileen...
Dr. Summy To@MyOptic on N. Williams Ave -- she's my optometrist and friend. Her website is MyOptic 3978 N Williams Ave Portland, Oregon 97227 503.493.7070 Office Hours: Mon & Thur 9 to 6 Tues & Wed 9 to 7 Fri 9 to 5 Sat 9 to 3 - Steve My current fav: "The opposite of War isn't Peace . . . its Creation." La Vie Boheme B, from the musical Rent. Steven E. Herron