Need recommendation for foundation inspection I'm trying to refinance my house. When they did the appraisal, they didn't seem to care for the cracks in my basement walls and now they want me to have someone inspect it to basically say, yeah, the house isn't going to collapse any time soon.
Even if there is a major problem, I probably can't afford to address it right now. Can anybody recommend a foundation contractor that might be easy to work with?
RebuildingABungalow replied:
Do not go with a foundation company. They want to sell you a repair. Hire a structural engineer to give you an inspection report. I use
I need a structural engineer for an inspection. Recommendations?
Diane C. replied:
We've used Larry Fehner with Norton and Schmidt at least 2-3 times over the last 20 years and he was very professional and spot on with his assessments.
Who has a referral on a good, Affordable roofer and foundation specialist, and painters who know how to properly prep and don't color outside the lines ;p in south KC area? Thanks
I have a great foundation guy -- very reasonable for braces, etc. He needs work right now. His name is John Jakobi and he can be reached at 816-356-7315. Please tell him Lisa Schmidt referred you.
Hi all! Im needing to get recommendations for people that do quality affordable work on the following: rebricking a portion of a house, laying ceramic tile (approx 200 sq ft) and fixing foundations....
For foundations, specifically bracing in basements, I recommend John Jakobi. His number is 816-356-7315. I have used him a number of times. He is significantly more cost effective and provides a 20 year guarantee. He is often referred by Norton & Schmidt(no relation to me!)&nb