We need a paid helper for our company: 1. Partime only (8 hours per week) 2. $5/hour cash ($40/week, about $160/month) 3. 20% commissions on top of base pay 4. Simple computer and some phone 5. Every...
Dear Sir, What you are offering is not minimum wage, and could quite possibly be illegal. wrote:We need a paid helper for our company: 1. Partime only (8 hours per week) 2. $5/hour cash ($40/week, about $160/month) 3. 20% commissions on top of base pay 4. Simple computer and some phone 5. Every new company opportunity submitted to you first I interested, please contact Jay Rossi at JaysAccounts@... or call 1-330-725-8303 or call toll free: 1-800-My-Yahoo, voice box number 'JAY-ACCOUNT'. HELP WANTED IN MEDINA AREA