Attn Moms:
I have regular posts and requests for daycare recommendations. I also have regular posts for nannies and daycare providers looking for work. If anyone knows of a site that connects providers with families, please share with us. I thought someone was working on a Facebook page like that at some point - does anyone remember and know where it is? If not, I highly recommend someone starting a page like that so moms can work together with providers or each other to find care. Our area has the added need of evening care due to all the service industry jobs - so if you are looking to provide care in the evenings, I am sure you will find work! Sharing care or trading daycare is also an option. Maybe moms could connect by neighborhood and/or part of town. Anyway, please comment below with ideas, suggestions, and really we need someone to head up this project. Let's work together to help moms find care and providers find work!