We are still keen to invite speakers for our 4th EmX Webinar, who have expertise in Radionics, Neurobiofeedback, PEMF etc. can you recommend anyone or would you like to put your name forward?
Melissa J. replied:
Regarding Vega speaker: It appears Dr. Martina may be focused now in a different direction, but he may still be willing to speak on Vega. Here is how to find him now as link on interview provided earlier is no longer active: http://qipower4 u.com/omega-healing/ This group is well-versed on Vega in London. "Bioresonance Therapy expert, Allison McQueen-Luzar has a remarkable track record having successfully treated over 27,000 patients with VEGA and Bioresonance technology over the last 25 years." However I don't know her. http://www.londonhypnotherapypartnership.co.uk/bioresonance-vegahttp://www.complementary-medicine.com/pdf/e_br_expert.pdf