I have been a licensed nail tech since 2001. I am skilled in doing sculptured acrylic nails pink and white or colored. I hand file almost everything! Most people do not realize that the electric file is NOT supposed to be used on anything but shortening the nail, cleaning out underneath and backfills. Those are the only services I use it for. If you should want your nails taken off or just need one replaced during a fill, I actually soak them off like you are supposed to. I do not pull them off. I also do manicures including gel polish manicures using the amazing Gelish brand that last up tp 21 days, pedicures and freehand nail art. I am also very particular about disinfection. I properly disinfect all of my impliments and tools used in any of my nail services. Each of my clients gets their own file, buffer, nail brush, orangewood stick etc. that gets put in a plastic box with their name on it to ensure them that they are not used on anyone else. So give me a call and see the difference!