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Waynes Automotive

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 157 N Mountain Ave, Ontario, CA 91762, USA
    Ontario, CA 91762 (map)

About us

Everyone here at Wayne's Automotive welcomes you to our facility. We are a family owned business that is committed to our customer’s. We are a Gold Shield station, licensed Test–and–Repair stations that have received additional certification by Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR). In addition to the services provided by regular Test–and–Repair stations, Gold Shield stations can certify vehicles identified as Gross Polluters. We can also perform the "after–repairs" certification of vehicles directed to Test–Only stations for an initial inspection. We are also contract with the Bureau of Automotive Repair to perform state subsidized emissions–related repairs on vehicles participating in the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP).

We are also a NAPA Auto Care Center. This means our company meets the code of ethics that NAPA sets forth for its auto care centers. It also means that we are connected to a supplier that provides the best auto repair and maintenance parts for your vehicles, with a nationwide warranty. As a NAPA AutoCare Center, we follow a strict Code of Ethics so customers will know up front what to expect.

Our pledge to our customer is to perform high quality diagnostic and repair service at a fair price using quality parts, to employ ASE certified technicians, to be dedicated to customer satisfaction, to exercise reasonable care for the customer’s property while in our possession, to obtain prior authorization and provide a price estimate for work performed, to provide a system for fair settlement of customer complaints should they occur, to maintain the highest standards of our profession.

--Todos en Wayne’s Automotive le damos la bienvenida. Somos un negocio familiar que se ha comprometido ha dar el mejor servicio ha nuestros clientes. Somos una estacion “Gold Shield”, licenciado de prueba y reparacion e igualmente hemos recibido certificacion adicional por la Oficina de Reparacion de Automoviles (BAR). Ademas de los servicios de ... show more
las estasiones de prueba-y-reparacion, podemos certificar vehiculos senalados como los “contaminadores” . Tambien hacemos reparaciones en los vehiculos que estan en el programa de reparacion “CAP”.-- show more

Hours of operation

Monday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Tuesday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Wednesday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Thursday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Friday8:00AM - 5:00PM
Saturday8:30AM - 1:30PM


2 recommendations and reviews from 2 people

  • Referral from November 5, 2014
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  • Referral from April 10, 2014
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