Hello helpful and most excellent neighbors:
I have chronic pain due to TOS. Overdid a few things in the last week and am now suffering the consequences.
In or near the WSP/Mendota Heights area, can anyone recommend a great masseuse/salon/provider? If yes, can you tell me what type of massage (e.g. Swedish, trigger point, Shiatsu, etc) you've tried and benefited from?
Rob Wedewer, NOT the kind of massage in which I am the recipient of the old in-out, in-out extra benefit post massage deal...
In all seriousness, therapeutic massage. I am in a world of pain here.
Thank in advance for the recommends. As a group, you guys just DO NOT disappoint. You are tremendously helpful! In addition, you occasionally provide me with some necessary comic relief. Not pointing fingers at any of you jokesters, but *clears throat and mumbles* Tiffany, Jackie, Rob, Donovan, Traci, John Z, Sean, Samantha G , et al; thank you for the posts/comments which cause me to ROFLMAO.