I guess since I posted my question yesterday about nail salon's, I have had more recommendations asked on my pages wall and by private message.
So what are the best:
- Plumber
- Dry Cleaners
- Sit down restaurants in the area for lunch
- Dentist
off Rayford Road/Riley Fuzzel or as close as possible if not any good ones off this road?
A reminder also that in late March/Early April Austin Baker, a dentist, will be opening in front of Spring Trails, check out my post from November! Website is now partially active, you can read about him on there now. www.springtrailsdental.com
Also anyone who mentions the below shared post when Spring Trails Dental opens this year, will be given a free exam and xrays, that will be honored until December 31, 2015.
Austin will also give 20% off services to people who have had a car crash through their fences and into their yards.