11803 Beeville Dr, Houston, TX 77064, USA Houston, TX77064(map)
About us
At Granite City & Associates, We provide clients with a variety of high quality products. Giving you the option to choose from standard to custom designs for the fabrication, installation and resurfacing of your granite countertops, marble vanity tops, back splashes fireplaces, shower walls and much more. Granite City and Associates is a family owned company that takes pride in our staff with over twenty years’ experience of dependability and craftsmanship. Our in-home and in-business services are conducted with your comfort, safety and confidence in mind.
For the life of me I can find the details of the people who do granite counter tops, can someone let me know there details?
Katy N. replied:
Hi Danial ~ Granite City. Here's the link to the Facebook page www.facebook.com/granitecityandassoc Phone number is (281) 818-7696 Sandra Ramirez is the owner