To my friends on Facebook and FGF, I need a favor in locating a highly specialized surgeon. I was diagnosed with Meralgia Paresthetica which is a painful sensory nerve condition that compressed the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve resulting in numbness of the outer thigh. I have had numerous nerve blocks, and at this point I’m seeking a surgical consult - a surgeon who can decompress the nerve.
My general surgeon who is an Instructor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine performed double hernia repair due to severe WTC cough that resulted in a double hernia and thereafter the surgery, I had a delayed onset of Meralgia Paresthetica – a condition well known as an accepted complication to Laperscopic hernia repair.
My hernia surgeon is able to make referral to a group in Los Angeles, CA that is well known for handling post-operative pain in this kind of surgery. However, I am hoping to find someone here on the East Coast, and hopefully NYC, but I'd also settle for somewhere closer to home.
I would be most grateful if anyone can lead me in the right direction. Most gratefully - Jaime Hazan