Natasha R.
This is the Worst Pediatric facility in town. Dr. Pflieger is a horrible peditrician! On my last visit, he diagnosed my daughter incorrectly and prescribed a antibiotic that caused so many other problems. During the visit, he was rude and very disrespectful to myself. He was uneducated on how to treat her sysmtoms and I had
to practically drill information out of him to even get her diagnoses. I wouldn't recommend anyone to take thier child to this peditrician. They are very inexperienced and inconsiderate to the healthcare of children. If Dr. Pflieger did not have computer access to diagnose an illness he wouldn't have a clue as to how to treat the patient.
We need a pediatrician before we leave....any suggestions??
Amanda P. replied:
Dr. Pflieger at Rockwall Pediatric off Ridge Road and another office in Forney. They still see Addyson anytime we are in town and she gets sick. 972-771-1794
Moms: I need recommendations for a good pediatrician in the Rockwall or Dallas area. I need one that I can get into quickly when needed and not a huge practice.