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Buttons & Bows

Recommendations & Reviews

  • 152 Venango Ave
    Cambridge Springs, PA 16403 (map)

About us

All new consignees are limited to 25 items. Be sure to carefully count and bring your items in a clean laundry basket. All items should be folded. Please do not bring articles on hangers; we will hang the accepted items. Baskets should not be heaping. Please inform us if you have any oversize items when scheduling.

You must have an appointment scheduled to bring in consignment items; no item(s) will be accepted by walk-in. Clothing and household items are accepted by season only. When you call to make your appointment, we will tell you what items are in season.
There will only be: one appointment per consignee, at any one time, scheduled on the books. "Double booking" isn't permitted, as it isn't fair to everyone else that is waiting for the next available time.
We will go through your items while you wait and if there are items we can't accept you will have the option to take them or we can donate them to the Erie City Mission.

There are many things you can do to help ensure that your items are accepted. Please consider the following:
All clothing should be checked under a bright light (preferably fluorescent lighting, as that is what we use at the store) for stains, tears, missing buttons, etc.
Check all pants and shorts, inside and out.
We do not accept faded items, unless consistent with style
We do not accept clothing with pilling
Clothing will not be accepted in grocery or garbage bags
We do not accept clothing with pet hair or smoke odors
Clothing should be unwrinkled and look ready-to-wear
We do not accept clothing that has been stored in damp areas, i.e. basements
If your items were unsold in a yard/garage sale, please do not bring them
After your first appointment, depending on item conditions, your following appointments are allotted a certain number of items.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: How much money will I make on consignment items?
A: Consignment money is paid out 50/50

Q: How often should I check my account for money?
A: Check your account no sooner than 6 weeks... show more
after your appointment, after that no more often then every 6 weeks.

Q: Can I stop in anytime to pick up and/or check my account?
A: To save time and a wasted trip, call ahead. If you do have money, it can be pulled that day for you to pick it up. Most consignees pick up any money when they have a scheduled appointment.

Q: What if I can't come to the store and pick it up? Can you mail it to me?

A: Yes. If you would like a check mailed to you, please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

Walker's Buttons & Bows
P.O. Box 132
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403

Due to our volume, a two-week turnaround should be expected.

Q: I don't have a consignment number yet. When will I be assigned one?
A: After your first appointment, you will fill out your card and be given a number. Please keep this number for future reference. It is important that you know it when making subsequent appointments and for making inquiries on your account.

Q: If my items don't sell, will they be given back to me?
A: No. Clothing is kept 3 months, after which it is marked down 20% and then 50%. If it does not sell after the final markdown, it is pulled and then donated to the City Mission. We do not return items, so, if it is near and dear to your heart, please do not bring it in for consignment.

Q: I thought my items were worth more than what you've priced them at. Can I ask that you mark them up?
A: Our goal is to sell your items. We will try to get the best for the items you leave with us, but no guarantees or promises can be made. Please remember that we are a store, and not a museum.

Q: I already have a consignment number. I want to stop in with an item that I think you can sell. Is it okay if I don't have an appointment?
A: Due to the large volume of items and appointments that we have every day, we can not accept walk-ins. We make no exceptions.

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Hours of operation

Tuesday10:00AM - 5:30PM
Wednesday10:00AM - 7:00PM
Thursday10:00AM - 5:30PM
Friday10:00AM - 5:30PM
Saturday10:00AM - 5:00PM


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