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Clean Eating Online

Recommendations & Reviews

  • Virginia Beach, VA 23451 (map)

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Why Should You Eat Clean?

There are so many reasons to eat clean but my favorite reason is this first one:

* 80% of what you look like is due to what you are eating

When I first heard this I was SHOCKED. I mean, I knew it was important to eat right but I had always believed that exercising was a lot more important than what I put in my mouth. So I decided to actually put it into practice and see what happened. I had been working out regularly for about 9 months but I hadn't really cleaned up my diet. I was getting all kinds of frustrated because in 9 months I lost a whopping....2 pounds...

I know something was wrong because I was getting 6 days a week of cardio in plus lifting weights. I decided to try clean eating. And that's when the weight started to just come off. I lost between 1-2 lbs. a week over a period of about 6 months. So believe me, what you eat has a huge impact on how you look.

* Two thirds of all US adults are overweight

This is due to people eating all the wrong things. Fast food, processed food, too much sugar...it's all bad stuff. By eating clean, you eliminate anything processed. The beautiful thing about clean eating is it isn't necessary to count calories because everything you eat is all real food. If you don't eat junk then calorie counting becomes unnecessary. Pair clean eating with daily exercise and you won't be in the majority of adults with a weight problem.

* 1 in 3 people will develop cancer in their lifetime

It is estimated that up to half of all cancer cases could be avoided if people made changes to their lifestyle, such as stopping smoking, moderating alcohol intake, and maintaining a healthy bodyweight. I firmly believe that one of the main reasons cancer rates are so high is because of the amount of processed food most people put into their bodies. Things like trans fats and high fructose corn syrup are absolutely deadly for the body. Clean eating eliminates all man made chemicals and replaces them with healthy, natural... show more
REAL food.

**Always consult with your doctor about your personal health, wellness & diet. Clean Eating Online posts, articles, videos, and suggestions are for informational purposes only, and are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, or professional medical advice. ** show more

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