Languages for Tots (2yrs-4yrs) | 45 Minutes From Birth your Child is constantly exposed to language learning.These precious few years are dubbed “The early opportunity years” by neurolinguist Eric Lenneberg. Expose your child to a foreign language’s unique sounds, pronunciation, word meanings, and sentence forms while he or she’s still absorbing his first language. Capture a youngster’s prime time to learn a new language with Little Lingua’s time-tested approach, the ’Direct Method’ with full immersion into the Language, using top-notch materials, emotional reinforcement, and stimulating activities. Our programs for children aged between 18m - 4yrs are attended with a parent or caregiver. At this age Children will absorb their new language through gentle language immersion activities, teacher-child interaction, lots of tactile props and visual aids, original vocabulary-building songs, and much more. Tots playgroups build more than language skills. As youngsters handle toys and visual aids, they develop motor skills and coordination. As they participate and interact they imagine, discover, and build social skills. And as they’re asked to recall and respond, they turn into students and reinforce what they’re learning in class.
Little Lingua’s approach remains the first and most respected method in children’s language educational play. Our Teachers are taught to blend emotional support, smiles, warmth, language-rich melodies, child-friendly props, routines, stories, and one-on-one interaction. Little Lingua knows how to capture a child’s imagination; so that children truly learn all of the words and phrases that they’re hearing and practicing. Create a bilingual child at Little Lingua
Hi all! Looking for a Spanish tutor for one to one lessons to start asap! 2-3 hr sessions per week for four weeks!
Male or female if anyone could recommend or let me know of anyone between Greystones & Sandyford area!