entre los dos seguro que lo resloveis http://us.123 rf.com/400 wm/400/400/kurhan/kurhan1002/kurhan100200246/6407923-fontanero-jovenes-un-sumidero-de-fijacion.jpgSee Translation
Rakel S. replied:
Cristian Ponce joder esperando para saber quién se hacía cargo, si los del edificio o no, nos han tenido hasta esta semana... total para decirnos: pues no lo cubrimos... a ver... que me desatasquen la tubería ya!See Translation
Hi, looking for a plumber, any recommendations (Edinburgh area). Thanks
Dyno replied:
Hi Lesley, our Dyno plumbers in Edinburgh would love to help you out. Book online here: https://www.dyno.com/
Donald S. replied:
Used these chaps - very good http://www.blackhallplumbing.co.uk/ Created this masterpiece after I took it to bits...! http://www.donaldstirling.me.uk/Stuff/Random-Stuff/i-Fn6jrm6/A
If anyone is awake in Amsterdam/Amstelveen or if you see this first thing Friday - can you recommend a good plumber? Water leaking out of pipe in kitchen all over my...
Ann-Marie T. replied:
I am also awake in Sydney Jen, but I do have a plumber in Amstelveen. Try calling our plumber at Millenaar Peijnenburg Solgas at 020 4081166. I never rang them in an emergency but I seem to remember they might have a reference to it on the message. Alternatively Brommer plumbers at 020 503 50 30. I haven't used them but recently they were recommended to me by about 6 friends in Amstelveen. Good Luck x
Anna M. replied:
Doh!! Didn't post his no....0621553786
Jenni I. replied:
Brommer and several others were busy - so we have The English Plumber here now. Anna, I will keep your number for the future
Anna M. replied:
Mike Ter Bruggen Jen. He's my friend's son, based in Ouderkerk and he's lovely (and very good!), good luck honey!
Loodgieter J. Poel020-6867405 or 06-14488831. He's very genuine, good knowledge of the Amsterdam houses and their plumbing secrets and on top of that, he's not expensive
I am looking for a handyman that can help me install a water filter. he does not need to be a plumber just help me find the right connectors. Anyone knows one?
Hello everyone!
Some clumsy person (ME) accidentally threw a cream (that apparently weighs at least like a baby...
Heidi E. replied:
Brendan D. replied:
Bummer! I did something similar, knocked a class of water into a basin. Guess which broke - the glass or the basin? Yeah, right..... Anyway, I'm a plumber, The English Plumber, and for sure I can take care of this for you, this weekend even. Phone number is 06-40045376. Regards.