Tech savvy type people;
If I wanted to have a *wedding planner" (suppliers, time lines etc) that could be accessed/modified/added to online by me and my brides &...
Geoff I. replied:
Ben, you are after some collaboration tools and there are many these days. I use Google Docs quite a bit and it is great with documents and spreadsheets etc. Dropbox, Sugar Synch and others are handy for file sharing. One that can link all these is another tool I have had a squizz at and that is Dispatch which is an email type client tool that allows you to communicate and share all manner of files. Then these is a paid version that is widely regarded - http://37 Hope that helps.
Jo C. replied:
Hmm have you looked into Facebook Groups Ben? I wonder if this would suit your purpose? I guess you would set up a secret group for each couple that you deal with. You can upload generic files that have supplier details etc - files that only you can alter. And you can create files on facebook that you both could alter (would be a matter of having a file on your computer you could just copy and paste from). There are various privacy settings that you could put in place as admin. You can also add events to the group ie bridal shower, wedding, etc. Then just delete the group once the whole process is complete.