Hey bellinghamsters, anyone have recommendations for good abandoned buildings/urbex sites? Any forgotten entrances to mines or haunted motels I haven’t found yet?
Inloveforever replied:
There is an abandoned insane asylum in skagit somewhere.
blackjesus replied:
Abandoned Campground on Lake Louise rd in Sudden Valley. https://imgur.com/a/YTPXu
Timberly77 replied:
I've never been here but I've had a friend go and said it was cool. I also recently learned this is where Trumps grandpa opened his first hotel. http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/monte-cristo-143
Blood_farts replied:
They are not abandoned, but there are many downtown buildings that are easy to climb, in case you're into the whole urban exploring thing.
catanwithaplan replied:
There is an abandoned house next to a barn that fell down recently out on Squalicum Lake Road. It is about a half mile from the turm off of HWY 542 on Squalicum.
FromHereOn014 replied:
The Birch Bay "Horizon" community was terminated in mid-development, maybe '08 around the sub-prime loan bubble. I haven't been there for awhile, but it was overgrown with blackberries to a Chernobyl extent last I saw. At least two buildings were put up.
mpturp replied:
I commented about the northern state comment someone else made, but I'd love to know about some of your other spots around the ham, if you're willing to share them!
kayakcamping replied:
The Gold Mine trail up in Sumas is pretty cool. You can see some material for the mine, as well as a few old mine entrances. There is a deep vertical shaft near the beginning of the trail that you could potentially explore if you came with friends, rope, and big balls. http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/hikes/gold-mine-trail
Anonymous replied:
There's an old abandoned silver mine up deadhorse in Glacier