Found out from the assessors office that an error on their part resulted in our steep overpayment of property taxes for 13 months. The town says there is nothing they...
Peter M. replied:
Harrington and Buck
Nick N. replied:
I second Beth Ahern from eliopolous and eliopoloud. If there is a way to get the money, they will get it
Amanda F. replied:
Harrington and Buck
Paul E. replied:
Chris Salter
Wendy M. replied:
Cormac Bordes (office is in Westford) primary focus is real estate law. We have known him for over 10 years and have heard great testimonials from the work he has done. Mention my husbands name (Tim) when you contact him.
Dee M. replied:
Phil Eliopolous is THE BEST
Stephanie O. replied:
Ashley Baxter see, I wasn’t so far off last year!!! It’s possible!!
Ulli E. replied:
Lisa David Perry
Peter B. replied:
Hassler Lampert Rodman
Patricia H. replied:
If the error is in the town's favor, there's never anything that they can do, but if the shoe is on the other foot, you have to cough it up ASAP...there's something that they can do...reassess your taxes with the discount for overpayment for the next the Tax Assessor and demand someone that knows what they are talking about or take it to one of the local news stations, they seem to get more done than any lawyer I've ever met.
Roz B. replied:
If the problem continues, call Leslie, consumer affairs
I need a lawyer. I need an Attorney, civil rights, and constitutional, appeal, harassment, retaliation, discrimination in housing for disability and tenant advocacy...
Elizabeth B. replied:
Renee L. replied:
They all turned me down and made excuses that they had too much work to help me, one guy said he covered like 30 towns, they most often turn me down, they can only help very few people, there are no rights for poor, that is what this is telling me, the laws are on the books but they cannot be utilized without MONEY, rights are something that you can BUY. Like the right to break the law which The Village at Taylor Pond and The Bozzuto Group apparently know well as well as Cornerstone Real Estate Advisors who is one of the wealthiest real estate holdings in the world and is behind this whole mess and responsible for it as the biggest money holders of all with every power and potential to settle things. With their money they need to prove to themselves and to the world that they can do exactly as they like. Picking on disabled people to make them feel "less than" and seeking to take away their homes simply because they had disabilities they did not like nor care to accommodate according to the law is not something to be proud of, money or not, I want your help to get this story out. I want this to hurt them in terms of future business and reputation, if I had to go through all this for over two years now it should not be for nothing, at least we can help others know that this is how they behave and maybe when considering to move here, think twice. There is a slew of other feedback even on their pages, you can see for yourself. They only have half decent ratings at all because they spend so much time rating their own selves! - without that to hoist them up I doubt they could get themselves above two stars. These people are all going to be out of business one day, and this will be the reason why. They haven't got the strength of truth or integrity within them.
When everyone else is asleep.... I am researching special education lawsuits, wishing I was having a beer instead, BUT putting my children first. If any one knows a...