Anyone know a good plumber who will come to the Bolivia area (Gilbert just off Midway) and work on Sunday? Got a busted pipe in the pump house and no water. One plumber...
Brian S. replied:
David Lee Call?
Suzan G. replied:
When at HB I use Point Break Plumbing(910) 842-2097, but they're located close to HB bridge; don't know if that would be too far away f/ you (approx. 12 miles).
Daniel P. replied:
David Lee Call
Jenni S. replied:
Don Spencer- 910-523-2325
Janet R. replied:
Thanks for the responses, everyone. I called Mr. Call and he's not working today. He just buried his sister, and I can't blame him. I've called Mr. Spencer before, he just lives up the road, but he's not answeringy. I will keep them both in mind for the future. The broken part is on the water conditioner and since it's rented equipment, I called Culligan. They don't work on Sundays either, but they should call me back in the morning. We are making do with the hose connected to the pump tank and bottled water.
Does anyone know a really good, reputable Plummer/pluming Co That services Oak Island and is reasonable? In need of some one pretty quickly!.. Thank you!
Mariah B. replied:
Rob Huxley, Watertite Plumbing. (910) 712-0149. Licensed and insured and completely fair & trustworthy. Tell him Mariah sent you. Good luck!