I know this is off topic but can someone please help by recommending a good arborist who is good with native trees? We have a bush block adjoining Lane Cove National...
Ben C. replied:
Ausgrids contractors are required to ensure that there is a minimum clearance to the wires for 3 whole months. My 40 yr old Date palm is about to get its head taken out but I knew this was coming. These min clearances are there so these trees dont become live and lethal to anything that touches them. Is brutal sometimes but necessary. You can get your own contractor to do the work but if they dont take enough, Ausgrid has the legal right to come in and make the area safe.
Ian A. replied:
Michael Sullings
Kaye S. replied:
Also Sydney Arbor.
Ishara S. replied:
I've seen some interesting stuff by Sydney Arbor Trees who do a lot of work in creating nest boxes for wildlife! A company like that definitely have their heart in the right place in making sure the habitat is maintained, and not hack trees to death https://www.facebook.com/urbanhabitatcreation/
I'm a arborist from New York. Worked in Central Park NYC for 6 years . Recently moved to Bondi beach and now looking for work. If anyone can point me in the right...