Looking for dentist recommendations. Looking for someone that can float and pull the wolf teeth on my four-year-old. Hoping not to spend an arm and a leg. Last time I...
Eileen K. replied:
Andrew Gager & Scott Gager (if he isn't officially retired to the music industry). Scott has done my mare's teeth for the 15 years I've owned her. And it took both of them to wrangle my 5 yr old & actually give her a good experience getting her teeth done (she's not a fan of invasive procedures and we're learning once a year, to not be a total dope). No drugs, no speculum. Just good, correct horsemanship & 3 generations of equine dental family business.:)
Andrea F. replied:
Michelle DeVrieze Tsed.
Tiffany B. replied:
Mark Cheshire. He's wonderful been doing my horses teeth for 14 years
In desperate need of a vet that will come to my home for my large dog. Located in Bridgeton NJ. Any info is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Jennifer C. replied:
I don't know if Dr. Bill does house calls, but you could call and find out: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wilwynn-Animal-Hospital/158278554206381
Vicki M. replied:
Definitely Brenda Prestis . Medivet.
Kay B. replied:
I am not thrilled with Medivet. You might not get a return phone call. I called her several times in the past for emergencies and never got a call in return. I also don't believe she cares for my neighbors dogs correctly. I have used Dr Kazam to put four of our dogs to sleep. He is a compassionate man.
Jennifer S. replied:
Dr Kazam has come to my house and he was terrified of my dog, when I needed him again, his number was disconnected. I will be making some phone calls & I appreciate all of these responses. Thank you.
Jessie L. replied:
Mount Laurel Animal Hospital
Robin C. replied:
Ludwig's is Animal Clinic of Millville. Animal hospital of Millville is a different vet.
Suzan R. replied:
Jennifer Mchugh is right. Animal Clinic of Millville does house calls
Dina M. replied:
Medivet. The Vet is Brenda Prestis. She's REALLY nice. She also works at East Oak Vet, but I had a brain fart and couldn't remember her name.
This is a bit off-topic but can anyone recommend a reptile vet in the area? I'm looking to establish my two leos and my beardie as patients and I'm looking for reviews....
Madison J. replied:
I can't remember exactly but I think Bryan Road Animal Hospital has a herp vet. Call Lynn's pets and ask to speak with Lynn. I know she has a herp vet in O'Fallon or St. Peters that she takes all her reptiles to be vetted.