Looking for a third-party energy supplier to compare rates with my current O&R supplier. Anybody have a good recommendation for me?
Alexandria P. replied:
Viridian is the #1 reseller of green energy for gas and electric. They are a great company and do a lot for different communities here and abroad. They don't allow any door knocking or cold calling which is a nice ethical bonus. They have competitive variable and fixed rates. If you are interested I can look up the rates and compare to your current supplier. I can also show you any other fees you may be able to avoid. You can message me separate or call or text me 9148062505. Alex
Alexandria P. replied:
Bill I. replied:
Tom, give me a call 914-329-7574 and I can let you know what we offer.
J S. replied:
Here's my husbands business website: www.viridian.com/jjbs Click on 'become customer' tab. It's fixed rate for 6 months.
Gary L. replied:
John Gould Jr.
George L. replied:
david cox of our group!!! George Lagos Rockland Computer Service, LLC845-942-4772 (Office) 914-325-9561 (Cell) www.rocklandcomputerservice.com
Tom O. replied:
George, David is one of the people I am getting the quote from.
Shari S. replied:
Alexandria Natalie Pecora
Audra I. replied:
Bill Ireland
David K. replied:
Keith Williams
Meghan P. replied:
Joe Stancarone
Doreen M. replied:
Tom I have one I am looking into myself. The number is in my office Csll me Friday after 10 n I can give the info. 354 6009