I am looking for experienced artists/graphic designers for my boss. He is needing someone that can work quickly for our company. He is looking to hire more than one...
Heather C. replied:
Working Quickly means we want our designcreated so that we can create the product and start making profit.We pay all of our vendors once work is...See More
Scott H. replied:
Here's a great place for inexpensive design work: http://studio.envato.com/explore/design-graphics
Heather C. replied:
Thanks Dennis Bolt, My boss normally does this and explains it better. I am doing the best I can. Most of the art I have done is strictly text (I don't really consider that making me a designer) I am more into Photoshop and Photography. That I am better at.
Heather C. replied:
I work for the United States Oilfield Association. You can check it out at www.unitedstatesoilfieldassociation.com. its legit so I would like to know what in my description makes it sound like it is not so that I can avoid that.
Looking for a local graphic designer to help us with the health fair and a few other projects. Anyone have any recommendations?
Terri D. replied:
Sports Wear Graphics - Placido, all I have is an email address: p.mendez@sportsweargraphics.com We used him a couple of times. Great work.
Elisabeth B. replied:
Thanks Heather Patterson, but I'm not available right now since he needs it in March.:( Tyler, I guess Claire wansn't available. My friend Brittany Eason might be.... b3 artanddesigns@gmail.com
Looking for someone that can do Graphic Design for T-shirts. I am looking to hire more than 1 person for this as we have many designs to make. Please email all inquiries...