Looking for good and cheap pet supply store in CLT. Any suggestions for either? Near NODA would be awesome if y'all have any experiences you would like to share.
cg617 replied:
Dogsupplies.com has a warehouse in huntersville. Prices are already pretty good, but if you pay cash you get a discount and you also can sign up for email coupons which they send a lot. We go there for all our pet toys/accessories.
radiohead87 replied:
4 dogs is in NODA and it is definitely good. However, It's not cheap.
MoonStache replied:
Whether it's cheap or not, um not sure, but if you want a pet smart alternative there's a small business pretty shop on North Tryon right around the old concord intersection. I can't remember the name though sorry.
caller-number-four replied:
Good luck with that. I use That Pet Place online to order most of my pet stuffs.
Do you know someone that owns one of these places?:
Salon / Spa (nail, hair, beauty, tanning)
Liquor Store
Floral shop
Dance Studio
Auto Mechanics, Tire,...