Looking for a place to donate clothing in the area. Know if any place accepting donations today?
Bibianna D. replied:
What ages/sizes? Philadelphia Family to Family has a drop off location at the house of a board member in Drexel Hill. I can send you address if you're interested. Baby and toddler sizes up to 2 t and maternity/nursing clothing.
Marc T. replied:
Gogreendrop.com...located at the Getty gas station on Baltimore pike.
Susan C. replied:
Purple Heart in Aston, corner of concord rd and pennell
Jaime K. replied:
Sorry. It used to only be for Purple Heart but they changed. And also give the tax receipts. Thanks for what you do Jody!
Linda R. replied:
First Methodist Church on State Street has the food bank and a clothing store
Terri D. replied:
Green Drop in Aston at five points - benefits Purple Heart Verterans