Looking for a new pediatrician in Hendricks County, not Hendricks pediatrics or Danville Pediatrics whatever there called. Anyone have any suggestions?
Tara P. replied:
Indiana adult and pediatric medicine. They have offices in plainfield and brownsburg. We see Dr. Unison. I don't believe he is taking new patients, but we have seen the other doctors too with no problems. 852-3600 is the brownsburg number.
Meg C. replied:
We go to Indiana Adult and Pediatric Medicine. Affiliated w/ HRH. Offices in B'burg on 267 and Plainfield. They are Internists. Dr. Voiles is who my kids see. No complaints.
Stefanie S. replied:
Dr Ruth McCluskey
Mandy S. replied:
Indiana Adult & Ped. All the doctors are good. We see Dr. Abell. Nurses are really good too
Amber A. replied:
Chace sees Dr. Bender in Avon....when he was in the hospital for a week with pneumonia, she was who the specialist strongly recommended. I like her and so does Chace.