Re: ADHD diagnosis and behaviour therapy.
Could you please post for me:
I have a 4 year old son who I have always known to be a bit different. Very intelligent, could...
Melissa F. replied:
your first port of call is your Dr. he will then refer you appropriately, poor little fella's brain is racing 1000 miles an hour .... he is probably exhausted. Therapy ACT has drop-in clinic's for occupational therapy and that is good too just for another opinion. Be open minded ... listen to the professionals but at the end of the day ... you know your child best.
Lauren E. replied:
Have a look at the book 'Fed Up' by Sue Dengate, and see if you can rule out diet as a contributing factor. You will see that even healthy foods can have an effect on kids' behaviour. If you try some elimination diets and there is still no change, have a talk to the ANU Psychology Clinic. They can supply provisional psychs for $20/session. These are qualified psychologists who are getting up their hours under supervision of senior psychs in order to become registered. They have quite a few child psychology specialists there, both senior and junior.
Sarah R. replied:
Look on my son was diagnosed at 36 mths for ADHD and medicated since due to his extreme behaviour and we are finally going to take him to Sydney to see dr shelly hyman who we have been told is amazing at the scd centre... Been through everything and happy to help of you need someone to talk too
Trish R. replied:
Go get an appointment with Dr Michael Rosier. Who is NOT a fan of giving children medication on the first hit! He will want you to try other things - but for some children - allowing some "toning down" of the mind so they can concentrate - is kinda helpful?! But it's a short term thing - and not something to "fix" but something to work with and make improvements upon.
Judi B. replied:
Perhaps have a chat with someone who specializes in the area - we used dr Jo Richardson at Oconnor psychology ( for my stepson. He was assessed and diagnosed and Jo's advice has helped us to help him, without medication - more behavior strategies for him and us. In the meantime, try to rule out things like diet, sleep deprivation and look up strategies for 'instant rewards' on the web - short term goals and rewards for positive behavior. Happy to chat if you want to pm me.
Kate W. replied: Nicole is exactly the beautiful person you need to see. Check out her website for more info.
Erin U. replied:
For you to be able to help him within a childcare or school setting, the best option would be to seek assistance. The teachers and educators aren't in a position to help him one on one without funding, provided from Inclusion Support Services. Start with your paediatrician, and explain to them your circumstances. The child care centre should have written documentation to support their claims, which would be valuable to take with you. The paediatrician will more than likely suggest psychological assessment for him. IF he is diagnosed with anything, then you need to take the positives in extra assistance and funding that you will be provided for him. I would not specifically label him as ADHD, and only the professionals have the knowledge and expertise to be able to do define anything for him. Good luck, it's daunting and not easy! X
Belle J. replied:
Not sure what services are on offer in the ACT but my daughter, (now 20) was being seen at The Serfontein Clinic in Sydney. After 12 months on medication at age 6, I ceased giving it to her because while it was effective in addressing her lack of focus in learning and improved her often poor behaviour, it was also personality altering. Insomnia and weight loss were a negative side effect too. While it was great to see the improvement academically, I didn't like the fact that my previously full of personality child had now become something that just wasn't her! It is a difficult disorder to deal with but it can be managed drug free. Lots of positive stimulation and sport, sport and more sport! That's just my experience. Good luck!
Hi Mums
Just wondering if anyone has had an appointment with Dr Karthic (not sure on the spelling)? He's a paediatrician in Deakin. I have never been to a paediatrician,...
Jodie-lee H. replied:
Dr Suzanna Powell is at Bruce and she is amazing
Rachel A. replied:
He was the paed on call at john James for our birth and we are not fans, we see Dr Leerdam who is amazing!
Sharon S. replied:
Dr Joanne Edwards is AMAZING!!! I've heard terrible things about Dr Karthik and I know someone who worked for him and was not impressed at all and left shortly after. Not a good sign IMO!