Looking for photographer, MUA, and someone who can cut hair well.
Hi! I'm an agency signed model, and I just bought a beautiful wig. I would love to take some pictures...
Emma H. replied:
Also my Insta is@hakamme and modelling page is http://www.scenemodels.com/models/melbourne/emma-hakansson/
Hello ladies and gents!! I'm in need of a photographer! Please reply with suggestions, thank you so much!!
Michelle M. replied:
Crystal Freedom Baskin Chantelisready Forgreatness Shawn Lee Studios-Photography
Qui S. replied:
It depends on what type of pictures are needed, event photography, fashion, or wedding. I recommend Rob Will he does excellent work
Tramaine S. replied:
www.facebook.com/photographybytramaineseay I'm a little biased though because it's me!
Angela L. replied:
I was gonna ask, for what cause some are good for certain things and what your price range is cause that can certainly vary. There is a photographer that takes pics at the Naurally Flyy events, Tasneem . I also have two friends that take pics; Frankie Fultz - Photography and Bruce Turner Photography (both on FB).