Does anyone have a recommendation for a dog trainer/behaviorist in the Bucks County area? Our dog's barking is making us crazy. Matt Hughes wants me to say that she is...
Monica M. replied:
I've heard that the petsitter that I use sometimes for my birdies is supposed to be very good in that area. Her name is Shawna Ricci and she runs www.thek9 which specializes in dog training/counseling etc. She is in Chalfont. We used her for our dogs and I couldn't be more happy with the results (different issue, 2 of our dogs started fighting for the dominate spot in the pack... Like dangerous fighting, one lost an eye. Within one visit the problem was completely solved). It says on her website she serves bucks county.
Rebecca G. replied:
These peops are in quakertown and they were amazing several years ago when we had some behavioral issues with Trudy:
Erin S. replied:
Yes!!! A Bark in Time. Carol Bardsley is THE BEST.
Matt H. replied:
In addition to helping to stop the barking, if they could teach her to do sit-ups or squats, that would be a plus.